Workshops & Lectures
Awesome Technologies is a Digital Lab that works with creativity, in-depth know-how and genuine enthusiasm on innovative solutions that always put the user at the center.
We take you from
Buzzword to Business…
Buzzword to Business…
…is therefore our guiding principle when it comes to developing digital products for your company. Together with you, we develop strong products and applications for technologies that fit your company and create real added value for you and your customers.
You would like to get an overview of a certain topic and know which new approaches and digitalization topics are shaping your industry? We would be happy to arrange an entertaining, informative and interactive presentation for you and your employees: on a topic of your choice or we suggest current and suitable topics.
Together for innovation
With our innovation lab workshop
Whether ‘Digitial Twin’, ‘Artificial Intelligence’, ‘Augmented Reality’, ‘Internet of Things’ and many more – digitization offers a multitude of buzzwords. But what is really behind them? And more importantly, how does this technology gain relevance for you, your customers or partners? What opportunities are there for your products or processes? And how do you get there? Preferably pragmatically, yet sustainably?
Our innovation lab is designed to help you answer these questions, to inspire you, to develop ideas together with you and to make them feasible. In doing so, we bring in our broad experience from science and practice, show you what is considered state-of-the-art and where you can use it. According to your preference, this is done as a small pilot or as a holistic change program.
Wir vereinbaren ein gemeinsames Thema. Sie bestimmen, ob es um einen generellen Überblick oder eine spezifische Problemstellung geht. In einem ersten Briefing zum Thema stecken wir den gemeinsamen Rahmen ab.
Sie wählen die Teilnehmer aus, ob aus Ihrem Team oder dem ganzen Unternehmen. Wir schlagen Ihnen dafür gerne eine Idealkonstellation vor. Ihre Teilnehmer erhalten von uns vorbereitende Materialien, ganz auf ihr Thema abgestimmt.
In einem Workshop erarbeiten wir Ideen und erste Lösungsansätze.
Im Nachgang erhalten sie von uns eine Zusammenfassung sowie eine mögliche Roadmap zur Umsetzung. Bei Bedarf erstellen wir mithilfe eines Rapid Prototyping-Ansatzes auch ein erstes Produktmuster.
You would like to get an overview of a certain topic and know which new approaches and digitalization topics are going on in your industry? We would be happy to organize an entertaining, informative and interactive presentation for you and your employees. We would be happy to discuss a topic of your choice or suggest current and suitable topics.
Technologies we love
Whether ‘Digitial Twin’, ‘Artificial Intelligence’, ‘Augmented Reality’, ‘Internet of Things’ and many more – digitization offers a multitude of buzzwords. But what is really behind them? And more importantly, how does this technology gain relevance for you, your customers or partners? What opportunities are there for your products or processes? And how do you get there? Preferably pragmatically, yet sustainably?
You want to go further?
We accompany and advise you from idea generation to implementation and beyond.
In doing so, we rely on four components:
In doing so, we rely on four components:
Together with you, we develop a common understanding of the possibilities of the technologies. We define the needs of your customers and your company and thus develop customized solutions. We achieve this through interviews, workshops, data analysis and methods such as design thinking, business model canvas, customer journey design and much more.
To ensure that your new technology solution can develop its full effect, we support you in introducing it to your company. With our change management know-how from digital projects, we enable a smooth transition and the fastest possible utilization.
During implementation, we work in an agile manner and involve you intensively. In this way, we identify problems at an early stage, find suitable solutions and effectively reach our common goal. Our broad-based team has expertise in both technological and business issues.
Think big, but start small. In digital projects, it makes sense to start with a “minimum viable product”. But we consider possible scaling right from the start. That way, we never lose sight of the big goal while gaining valuable insights from the first prototypes.