80 clinics already use AMP.clinic for teleconsultations – simple, secure, modern and data protection-compliant

About AMP.clinic
AMP.clinic enables the exchange of consultations between specialist centers and across hospital boundaries – finally without media disruptions.
Patient data and images are encrypted and transmitted directly. Using video telephony, the information can be supplemented and validated by visual impressions directly at the patient’s bedside. Second opinions can therefore be obtained quickly and easily and patient care is improved.
Due to its modular structure, AMP.clinic can be used for various clinical specialties, whether in the intensive care unit, oncology or in the area of interdisciplinary coordination, such as telepharmaceutical consultation.
Amp.clinic was developed by doctors for doctors. This has created a solution that is easy to use and truly supportive in everyday clinical practice. AMP.clinic was rolled out to almost 80 clinics in the intensive care unit in less than 3 months and is possible without major investment in the IT infrastructure.
“AMP.clinic has helped us to save time and work steps and still improve the care of our seriously ill patients across the board. The solution is easy to use, enables the transmission of relevant information and, for me, a quick assessment and overview of the necessary medical information and patient status.”
– Prof. Dr. Ralf Muellenbach, Director of the Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Pain Therapy at Kassel Hospital
Your advantages with AMP.clinic

Security is important to you and to us. We are therefore constantly working on state-of-the-art technologies to protect your data. Feel free to ask us!
AMP.clinic applications – Showcases
TeleCOVID – Quickly ready for use in the pandemic

When the pandemic situation began, all hospitals were faced with a “new” clinical picture. It became extremely important to get the expertise on the course of the disease quickly and comprehensively to the area and to be able to utilize the capacities of the hospital system to the maximum. This is the only way to find the right care unit depending on the patient’s critical condition and ensure the best possible bed utilization.
AMP.clinic solution
The professional exchange between clinics in consultations was simplified, necessary transfer processes and the coordination effort were minimized so as not to keep doctors unnecessarily busy with organizational processes, but to improve patient well-being.
With AMP.clinic, 80 clinics could be connected in less than three months without major investments in clinic IT. A tablet-based approach was chosen as a holistic solution that runs on the secure servers of ekom21 – KGRZ Hessen.
TelePharma – Expertise available across the board

Not every hospital has its own pharmacy. Medication requirements, especially for intensive care patients, but also in other specialist areas, are often complicated and the correct combination of medications is not always the same.
Clinical pharmacologists / pharmacists / pharmacists should take part in the ward round in the intensive care unit at least once a week (recommendation grade 1B) and should be available for consultation at all times (recommendation grade 1C).
AMP.clinic solution
Conclusion: AMP.clinic can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively. AMP.clinic was identified as the first tool that can quickly and easily map telepharmaceutical consultations and make the valuable yet scarce resource of “intensive care pharmacists” available in primary and standard care hospitals. Services within the scope of the pharmaceutical teleconsultation are, for example Medication review, dose adjustment recommendations for renal function on dialysis,
recommendations for dose adjustment to liver function, management of clinically relevant interactions and side effects, compatibility testing and infusion management,
TDM (antibiotics / antiepileptics) and much more.
TeleIntensiv – Life-saving exchange without media disruptions

High-quality intensive medical care is critical to the survival of critical patients. In many cases, the intensive care expertise of supra-regional maximum care providers or university facilities must be called upon. Only through this complex interdisciplinary and, above all, transregional cooperation can intensive medical care be provided across the board. The exchange of information is characterized by dramatic media disruptions. Inquiring clinics have all health information available (e.g. in the hospital information system, X-ray/ultrasound or CT images, data from medical devices (dialysis machine, ventilator), or laboratory and microbiology results). The media break occurs because this information is usually transmitted by fax or verbally by telephone call and also causes a time delay in individual medical care.
AMP.clinic solution
AMP.clinic enables the establishment of a uniform presentation of data in the intensive care expert center, a quick diagnosis and thus a timely therapy recommendation and intervention at the peripheral hospital.
The system is highly mobile and can be introduced immediately into the clinical routine without any relevant additional investment. In the best case scenario, the often practiced, time-consuming and cost-intensive secondary transfer can be dispensed with. Direct audio/video contact allows open questions to be clarified more effectively (validity of the data and more efficiently (speed of data transfer). Even in less urgent situations, it is possible to obtain a second opinion from intensive care experts at any time (24/7) via a data line and thus achieve the best possible care for the patient with the aim of the quickest and most complete convalescence possible.
Would you like to find out more about the possibilities of using AMP.clinic in your hospital? Then please get in touch!
How our solution improves healthcare in Germany
Neue Wege der digitalen Vernetzung von hessischen Kliniken während der Coronavirus-Pandemie – TeleCOVID Hessen App
Hessisches Ärzteblatt 6/2021
Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Michael Muellenbach, Dr. Ben Risch, Christoph Günther, Dr. Michael Albert, Matthias Klose & Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Kai Zacharowski
Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Michael Muellenbach, Dr. Ben Risch, Christoph Günther, Dr. Michael Albert, Matthias Klose & Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Kai Zacharowski
HBDI begleitet Projekt TeleCOVID Hessen
…Der Hessische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit (HBDI) war bei dem Projekt TeleCOVID Hessen von Beginn an beratend tätig… sichergestellt werden, dass auch die Rechte der betroffenen Patientinnen und Patienten bei dieser innovativen telemedizinischen Lösung gewahrt bleiben…
Klinikum Kassel unterstützt andere Krankenhäuser per Tablet – Kasseler Ärzte nutzen Tele-Medizin-App
Hessische Niedersächsische Allgemeine
… so tritt an die Stelle händisch ausgefüllter Anamnesebögen und langer Telefonate jetzt die Telecovid-Hessen-App, mit der Ärzte interdisziplinär über Behandlung und Verlegung von Patienten beraten können.
… so tritt an die Stelle händisch ausgefüllter Anamnesebögen und langer Telefonate jetzt die Telecovid-Hessen-App, mit der Ärzte interdisziplinär über Behandlung und Verlegung von Patienten beraten können.
Telemedizinische Plattform ermöglicht flächendeckende, transregionale Vernetzung
Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes und Medizinische der Universität des Saarlandes
…Saarländisches Gesundheitsministerium fördert Projekt „Das Virtuelle Krankenhaus“ mit 221.800 Euro Anschubfinanzierung…
…Saarländisches Gesundheitsministerium fördert Projekt „Das Virtuelle Krankenhaus“ mit 221.800 Euro Anschubfinanzierung…
App soll Versorgung von COVID-19-Patienten in Hessens Kliniken verbessern
F.A.Z. Metropol
…Um ein Leben zu retten, hat sich manch ein Arzt schon strafbar gemacht.
…Um ein Leben zu retten, hat sich manch ein Arzt schon strafbar gemacht.
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AMP.clinic in practical use
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